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  1. Was it easy for you to develop four prototypes –why or why not?

It was fairly easy for me to make 4 prototypes because this is the second time doing this inversion. I also ended up not using my actual name but a nickname this time.


2. Describe the experience of having someone critique your work was it useful – how did it make you feel?

I take criticism very well and I love improving. It made me feel like someone looked at my work with care and told me the truth and was honest with me.  


3. Describe the evolution of your inversion from its original prototype to its final form – how did it change?

I started out using my first name then I thought about using my last name then I thought about using a nickname of mine and I ended up doing that.


4. If you were to continue to refine your inversion to make it even better, what would you do next?

I would find a way to make the d an y look a lot better and same with the letters z and a. The only letter that was not an issue was the t


5. Overall how did you feel about this design challenge - did you find value in it – would you recommend that we keep it in the unit?

I think I did a lot better than I did when I first did this project. I would call the first one i did a complete fail.

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